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Affiliate Programs part 1

Affiliate Programs: What They Are and How They Can Make You Money

Affiliate programs are literally taking the internet by storm. Affiliate programs are so popular that it is likely that you have heard of them before, even if you aren’t a website owner. While many individuals have heard of affiliate programs, there are very few who actually know what they are. If you are interested in capitalizing on this amazing business opportunity, you are encouraged to familiarize yourself with affiliate programs and what they can do for you. Doing so may very well be the best decision that you could make.

Affiliate programs are business programs, also sometimes referred to as business opportunities, which are ideal for webmasters. All webmasters can benefit from the use of an affiliate program, but those looking to make money can benefit the most. This is because, in a way, you will be selling merchandise for another company. This allows you to make money without having to sell your own products.

A large number of companies participate in affiliate programs, namely retailers. Once you make the decision to join an affiliate program, you will have to file an affiliate partner request form. This form is usually small, but it is almost always required. Most of the retailers, in charge of running an affiliate programs, are well known; therefore, they want to protect their image. This means that before officially joining an affiliate program your website has to be reviewed. If your website is approved, which most legitimate ones are, the next step will all depend on the company in which you are working with.

Most of the retailers or affiliate advertisers will have customized links or banners. These banners will need to be placed on your website. These advertisements will vary from company to company; however, most advertisements showcase merchandise or special sales. If one of your website visitors is interested in learning more, they will click on your link or banner. In doing so, your website will be flagged. This flagging is often done to ensure that you will receive the proper credit for brining in new customers. If an internet user, who clicked one of your affiliate links or banners, makes the decision to purchase anything, you will receive credit for that purchase.

The amount of money that you can make from an affiliate program will all depend on which type of program you are participating in. As previously mentioned, a large number of businesses, including retail stores, operate their own affiliate program. Each business is able to decide the amount of money that you will make from each sale. That money is often a percentage amount. Most affiliate programs begin at around five percent of the sale, but some can go as high as ten or fifteen and a few to 50%.

In part 2, I will provide more info, plus a few good affiliate programs I joined and like very much, so stayed tuned.