High Yield Money Market Account
These days the safest place to earn the highest yield and keep your money liquid are those money market accounts you've been seeing everywhere. You know the ones; Capital One, ING, AM Trust Direct, GE Interest Plus, Citibank, Zions Bank and more. You can earn anywhere from 4.5-5.4% apy.
One high yield money market company having a new deposit special is HSBC Direct. You can currently get 6% on your money with any new deposit, as low as $1. Now that's something to write home about. Offer currently ends 4/30/07.
Make sure you read all the details and even call these companies first before depositing any money. There are some limitations and some have stricter rules than others.
Overall, if you have some extra money sitting around or just earning 1% or less at your neighborhood bank, definitely check these companies out, you'll love the difference in interest you ear at the end of the year.
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